Doypacks and Stand-Up Pouches Retortable Foods
No application benefits as much from the use of Stand-Up Pouches as retortable foods. The thin lightweight materials
allow for much reduced retort times resulting in a fresher product and lower production costs. All product categories
in which Stqand-Up Pouches have been introduced have seen unrivalled success, most notably wet pet food, tuna fish
and shelf stable soups.
Most foods currently packed in cans and glass jars
Fruit, Vegetables, Pasta Products, Soups, Sauces, Meal Components, Fish etc
Special Benefits
> Exciting modern, fresh presentation
> No excess fluids to drain
> Enormous possibilities for branding and differentiation
> Dramatically improved organoleptic properties
> High Speed Filling Lines
> Very low packaging waste and packaging waste taxes
> Very robust yet light
> Easy to Open without scissors, can openers etc
> Microwaveable